Classroom Assignments

This section will be updated daily to allow students to take responsiblity for their own education.  If a student is absent and/or misses class, this webpage should be accessed and work should be made up accordingly. 


December 6, 2010


Which of the six reading strategies mostly appeals to you?  Why?  Which of the six reading strategies leastly appeals to you? Why?

Class assignments:

  • Finish reading the artcile provided in class Thursday (December 2, 2010) and apply the six reading strategies.
  • Read the artcile, "The "N" Word," and apply the six reading strategies on your own.
  • Retrieve a copy of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the book room (if you are not in class, it is up to you to independently retrieve a copy of this book by tomorrow, December 7, 2010). 


Complete reading the article, "The "N" Word," and apply the six reading strategy.